Just touch it or walk on it barefoot to feel all its strength and warmth.
Wood is our most ancient natural raw material, and transmits comfort and harmony when it is carefully inserted in our habitat.
The countless species of wood, each one with its own particular features (color, grain and texture), represent a priceless heritage for those who are capable of perceiving its value and appreciating its value
Like the Cadorin Group, which has been transforming this unique material into elite parquet rich in personality with passion and skill for over a century now.
Located in a privileged cultural and historical context in Possagno (TV), the Cadorin Group draws its strength from a calibrated combination of the latest technology and traditional handcraftsmanship.
The expert eye and hands of skilled carpenters are turned to the unique characteristics of each piece of wood in order to endow every product with corresponding singularity and value.
All this is evidently clear in the company’s precision planks produced to client specification and large width from a choice of over 30 different species of wood.
The Cadorin Group’s offer is completed by a huge range of finishes: brushed, hand planed, saw cutting, used, aged, and treated with natural oils and wax, professional varnished, that bring the wood’s natural versatility to the highest expression.
Production entirely realized in Italy: from cutting of the wood boards to the drying, making, working and finishing of parquet.
Over a century’s experience, a passion for wood, avant-garde machinery, the craftsman's eye to detail.
Carefully controlled raw materials (FSC-PEFC), non toxic glues, natural oils and waxes.
Dimensions, wood choices, workings, details finishes are selected by clients.
Wide planks up to 28 cm in width and 4 m in length obtained from one single slab of noble heartwood.
3-layer planks of solid wood or 2-layer planks, designed to ensure the highest stability with adequate counter-balancing.
The walking surface is formed by a single 5 mm thick layer of solid heartwood, an important feature to guarantee future maintenance and restoration.
From traditional Oak, to selected wild Quercus to pregio Burma Teak or african Wengè.
Natural oil or wax or professional varnish finishes enhance wood’s natural beauty.
Every floor provided with oil finishing comes with its own handy maintenance kit.